step-by-step Instructions:
Step 1:
Go to the sign up page via this link:
Step 2:
Select “Insight - September 2020 Start” from dropdown list, and click “Next”.
Step 3:
Click “Confirm”.
Step: 4
Create and account by completing the required fields, and click “Apply”.

Note: By signing up, you are authorizing Meratas to run a “soft” credit check, which should not affect your credit score. While this is part of the Meratas platform, there are no credit score requirements associated with Insight.
Step: 5
Enter the Verification Code sent via text message to your mobile number, and click “Verify”.
Step: 6
When phone number is verified, click “Dismiss”.
Step: 7
Enter your address, Social Security Number, and date of birth, then click "Next".

If you do not have a Social Security Number, please reach out to our team at, and we will help you resolve this.

If you have additional Income Sharing Agreements prior to joining Insight, include those at this stage.
Step: 8
Provide your banking information by clicking “Login to Bank”, or click “I don’t know my banking login” (If you select this option, you’ll be prompted to manually enter the information later).

Meratas uses your banking information to:

- Confirm your bank account is valid
- Screen for fraud and confirm identity
- Authorize automatic monthly payments. 
Step: 9
Review ISA payment terms.
Use the salary slider to estimate monthly payments based on different possible annual incomes.

Click “Continue”.
Step: 10
If you clicked “I don’t know my banking login” you’ll now be prompted to enter your bank account information for auto-pay.

Click “Save”.
Step: 11
Review the ISA Disclosure Statement and Income Share Agreement.
Step: 12
At the bottom of the page, check boxes:
- “I acknowledge that by providing my e-signature below, I will be legally bound to the above Income Share Agreement"
- “I consent to the  Income Verification Consent Form"
- “To help me better manage my ISA payments, I consent to the  Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization. I understand that I may revoke this consent at any time”
Sign your name in the signature box, and click “Accept”.
Step: 13
Click “Agree & Finalize”.
Sign your name in the signature box, and click “Accept”
Step: 14
Verify contact information.

Check email inbox for confirmation message.
Step: 15
Check email inbox for a confirmation email.

Click “Verify Email”.
Step: 16
Return to the application and complete the Personal Information section.

Click “Submit Info”.
Step: 17
Provide the names and contact information for two references. These do not have to be professional references. You may provide contact information for friends and/or family members.
Step: 18
Upload a copy of your driver's license or ID Card.
Step: 19
Click “Click here to submit your application”.
That's it!
Before your ISA is finalized, the Insight team will verify your steps and reach out if there are any action items. If you have any questions, view our FAQ or ask us a question.